Friday, May 20, 2011

Character Collage

For my collage for my final project, I decided to go with some along the lines of "dark." I wanted to go with characters from comics\games that are considered the good guys but have a shady background. I selected the following images.

Dark Woods

Marcus Fenix

The Dark Knight

Spider Man

The Tick (just a funny picture)

And for texture I selected this sculpture like texture.

Step 1: I open up the file I will use as a background.

Step 2: I placed Marcus Fenix into the creation

Step 3: I take the part of the Marcus Fenix image I wish to use using Quick Selected and make a few adjustments to make him blend in.

Step 4: I now add the Batman image.

Step 5: I make adjustment to Batman and once again blend him in.

Step 6: I add spider-man. Use quick selection. Adjustments. and resize.

Finally I add the texture. I select DIVIDE and my blending mode and set the opacity to 28%.;;

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